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This one is really close to The Iron Kingdoms heart. We believe that if young children are taught that it’s ok to make mistakes then it would prevent a lot of unnecessary stress and upset in the future. Making mistakes is completely normal – we are all human and will get things wrong from time to time. In fact, making mistakes is vital to the success of an individual. The best way to learn is usually from your own experiences, so making our own mistakes is a great way to grow and develop as a person. Children need to be taught that making mistakes is ok and actually benefical to them. There’s alot of pressure on children at school to be the best in their class or get the perfect grades. We need to make sure that children know that making mistakes is just a part of life. If we never made a mistake we’d never grow.

There is a famous quote from pro basketballer Micheal Jordan…
”I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life.”
This is a great example of why people should never be scared of making mistakes. Failing is always part of the process of success and fulfilment in life. When we make mistakes we are encouraged to explore other alternatives and find different solutions. It’s a great way to find out what does and doesn’t work for us. Our mistakes and experiences mould us into the person we become. Read on to find out some ways that making mistakes will benefit you…

How can making mistakes benefit me?

1. Risks lead to growth

If you take a risk and it doesn’t work out, so what? Wouldn’t you rather of tried something new then never tried atal? A study actually showed that 75% of people questioned with a terminal diseases said they’re biggest regret was the things they didn’t do not the things they did. If this isn’t enough to motivate you to try new things and take risks I don’t know what will be. Even if things don’t work out the way you hoped, you will always gain something positive from it – growth.

2. It builds problem solving skills

Sometimes when you’ve made a mistake or a risk hasn’t paid off, you are forced to find a solution. And we can all agree that good problem-solving skills are essential in adulthood. It means that when a problem arises we are able to deal with it without causing any stress and strain on our mental wellbeing. You will have more control over what is going on in your life too. Don’t let things get the better of you, there will always be a solution. Mistakes help us to take action whilst also learning from them to prevent the same mistakes from happening in the future.

Helps acknowledge consequences of actions

Sometimes making a huge mistake makes you realise how your actions can have consequences. No one is indestructible and we all have to be held accountable for the things we say and actions we make. Every single decision we make comes with consequences, negative or positive. Teaching children that mistakes are ok (as long as they learn from them) will help them explore repercussions themselves firsthand. It’s great practice for the real world.